News - Hampton Safari Boat Club

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Hampton Safari Boat Club
2010 - 2020
Getting those Pre-Season Jobs Done...
Hampton Safari Boating
1970 - 2020
Hampton Safari's For Sale
2025 Club Event Dates & Venues

Salhouse Mon/Tues 23-24 June 2025

Beccles Sat/Sun 20-21 September 2025

Fix the dates in your calendars now!
Hampton Safari Boat Club Burgees
Our pre-order book Is Now Always Open....

Fly The Flag - Order Now for The 2025 Season!
Our custom club burgees are very popular especially with new owners and as replacements for well used originals!

We usually accumulate 4-5 pre-orders to qualify for a minimum discount. Check out the pre-order page for further details & specifications.

Current Burgee pre-order total: 3.
Hampton Safari Boat Club Bunting
Dress Up For Our 2025 Events!

Order Now For The 2025 Season....
Following the success of our club burgees, now dress up and fly club bunting for events or other special occasions. A 5m length of bunting is currently roughly £13.50 incl VAT, excl p&p depending on minimum order quantity. You will need 1 or 2 x 5m lengths to stretch the whole length of the roof depending if you go for a "down the middle" or "both sides" look (see 2024 event images). Check out the pre-order page for further details.    
Current Bunting pre-order total: 0

Greg Chapman a previous owner of various boats but a relatively new owner of a Hampton Safari Mk3 ("Singing The Blues") has taken on the task of compiling and researching a thorough and very detailed history of the Hampton Safari. While the hulls and superstructure variants were manufactured from the moulds owned by Hampton Boats Ltd in Oulton Broad many Safaris were supplied as empty shells to be fitted out by various hire boat yards often with their own fit out features intended appeal to their specific hire boat markets. Other variations in mechanical features (e.g gearing, engines and propellor pitches etc) may also have reflected differing operating conditions on waterways outside of the Broads (e.g the Thames) which exhibit stronger tidal flows.

Greg is using a variety of (suitably acknowledged) sources to compile his detailed history which includes some well known databases and other online materials that are/were in danger being lost, as the continuing march of ever changing technology, impacts the update and maintenance of websites and databases that often had their own origins in similar personal special interest projects, albeit from a decade or two ago. In this regard, Greg is also providing valuable assistance by preserving and reformatting some of the old sources for future use (with theappropriate acknowledgement, consent and support of the original "owners").

Check out the new website at:

The Hampton Safari Boat Club predates the online information age and it unfortunately disbanded for many years before being resurrected  and reinstated as an online website presence back in 2010. We currently have around 175 Hampton Safaris and their current owners registered with the club and located in many waterways of  the UK and Europe.

With  the increasing popularity of social media, in 2017 some Hampton Safari enthusiasts created a separate Owners Group on Facebook. Facebook groups  and conventional websites such as this have different formats and styles and meet  different user needs. Both have their own inherent strengths and weaknesses and users of either tend to  have their own favourite media preference.

The  site administrators of both the "Hampton Safari Boat Club" website and  the "Hampton Safari Owners" Facebook Group, agree and stress that neither media site is in "competition" with the other and we actively  encourage Users to access and/or contribute to both sites in the  interests of sharing information useful to Hampton Safari owners and enthusiasts generally.....
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